Curated programme by the festival team

Höhlenlicht Cavelight

Mirjam Baker, Austria/Germany, 2023, digital format, 1.85, colour, 9' 35'', silent, bd

5433 individual photographic images plunge the eye into a state of delirious overload. Cones, like those in a stalactite cave, are drawn into a dynamic maelstrom by a storm of light changes and camera movement. The result is a sculptural spatial effect that is neither abstract nor concrete.

Resonance spiral

Filipa César, Marinho de Pina, Portugal/Guinea-Bissau/Germany, 2024, digital format, colour, 92', ap

The Mediateca Onshore in Malafo, a village in Guinea-Bissau, is an archive and a club for agropoetic practices. As Amílcar Cabral talks feminism on tape, the directors speak in the mangroves about the contradictions of depicting the community.

Mirjam Baker is an animation filmmaker and painter. She studied Media Technologies at St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences, Austria (2010) and Animation at Royal College of Art, London (2014). Her work is shown at film festivals and exhibitions. Since 2014 she lives and works in Cologne, Germany.

Filipa César is an artist, filmmaker, educator and community organizer. She is interested in the fluid borders between cinema and its reception, the politics and poetics of the moving image and archival practices. Since 2011, César has been collectively researching the militant cinema practice of the African Liberation Movement in Guinea Bissau and its potencies through the production of workshops, archives, films, performances, publications, architecture and community gatherings. 

Marinho de Pina is a research assistant at DIN MIA’CET – ISCTE, Centre for Studies on Socioeconomic Change and Territory, currently doing a PhD on Sacred Spaces in Bissau. He is a transdisciplinary artist, performer, poet, musician and writer, even on weekends and holidays. Since 2017, with Filipa Cesár, Sana na N’Hada and Suleimane Biai, he has been working on Abotcha – Mediateca Onshore, Guinea-Bissau (, a programme for the cultural creation of dreams and utopias with the local community, collaborating in the management, production, curation, communication and animation of cultural activities. 

Anže Peršin is a film producer with many years of experience in film. He had worked on commercial film productions throughout Southern Europe, the Middle East and North Africa, and owned a commercial production company in Lisbon. Since 2015, he has been developing Stenar Projects, a production platform for the artists’ moving image, based in Portugal. He is a member of Associação de Produtores de Cinema e Audiovisual in Portugal and a 2019 Sundance Institute Documentary Film Program Grantee. He is the producer of Resonance Spiral.