IMMORTELLE - Line Katcho

CA, 2022, 12'

A cathartic and dynamic room-scale trip into the mind of an artist in turmoil. In this immersive artwork of 12 minutes, viewers travel through different scenes and seasons that show both the soft and the fiery sides of a fighter spirit. Immortelle was adapted from Lina Katcho’s live performance, whose premiere at the 2018 MUTEK electronic music festival in Montréal was received with a standing ovation.

On view throughout the festival in Cinematheque’s café between 15th and 18th of May, from 16.00 - 21.00.

Line Katcho is a composer and audiovisual artist primarily interested in sound and image as demonstrations of kinetic matter. Immortelle XR is adapted from a live performance that was received with a standing ovation for its premiere at MUTEK electronic music Festival in Montréal, 2018.

VR Point is SCCA-Ljubljana’s programme for the promotion and distribution of VR and AR creativity. VR Point is part of the Open Videosphere project, which is supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia and the City of Ljubljana – Department of Culture.