A Picture of the Materiality of Light and the Toxins of Plants /

A Picture of the Materiality of Light and the Toxins of Plants /

Workshop: A Picture of the Materiality of Light and the Toxins of Plants

What does an analogue filmstrip look like, and what are its features? How to make a film without a camera and play it on a 16mm projector?

The workshop on experimenting with 16 mm film and phytogram-making will last three hours daily, from Friday to Sunday. It will be led by the visual artist Neža Knez, who is participating in the V-F-X Ljubljana festival with her solo exhibition Analog Diffractions #1 in the SCCA Project Room, where she will present her work using the processes that are the subject of the workshop.


Friday, 5 May 2023, 5 – 8 pm
Introductory presentation of experimental film’s history and presentation of works by authors working with 16 mm film. Participants will learn how to use and work with the film projector. Introduction to the various chemical and mechanical processes that enable the creation of a moving image: developing and analogue dubbing, double exposure (with a recording or in the darkroom), experimenting and intervening directly on the filmstrip in different stages (before developing in the darkroom and when the tape is already unrolled).

Saturday, Sunday, 6 – 7 May 2023, 1 – 4 pm
Introduction to the phytogram-making process. Phytogram is a technique where images, colours and textures are created on photographic paper or filmstrip without chemicals, only with the help of a chemical reaction upon contact with plants.

The first part (Saturday) will take place outdoors, collecting various natural materials. This is followed by work in the phytogram technique, where we will experiment with the collected materials and learn how to develop film and photo paper. In the second part (Sunday), we will manually intervene on the developed filmstrip, glue it and project films, and learn how to correctly insert the film into the projector.

The participants will each create two phytograms on photo paper and three film sequences (loops), which will be shown at a public screening in the Čufarjeva Classroom of the Slovenian Cinematheque on Friday, 12 May, 5 pm.

Participants: Manca Cerar, Kristina Frelih, Nika Jurman, Yuliya Kogol, Niko Lapkovski, Katja Lenarčič, Eva Lunar, Martin Pavunc, Ela Elizabeta Romih, Sara Štorgel

Neža Knez (1990) completed her bachelor’s and master’s studies in sculpture at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design (ALUO) in Ljubljana. She participated in the international WHW Academy in Zagreb, where she also attended the documentary and experimental film school RESTART. Neža Knez is a recipient of various awards: the recognition (2012) and award (2014) for outstanding academic achievements at ALUO in Ljubljana, the award for an innovative approach to printmaking Zlata preša (2015), the Prešeren Prize for Students for outstanding academic achievements (University of Ljubljana, 2015). For her master’s thesis, she received the highest distinction – summa cum laude (2017). In 2017, she participated in the Youth Biennale in Tirana. In 2018, she received the OHO Award and participated in a two-month residency at Residency Unlimited in New York. In 2021, she received a work scholarship from the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia. Neža Knez has shown her work at numerous solo and group exhibitions, screenings and performances. She lives between Ljubljana and Zagreb. (Photo: Sanja Bistričić)

Supported by: City of Ljubljana – Department of Culture
Thanks: Marko Turkuš