Once framed by the camera, nature moonlights as culture. There's no wonder why a certain ecological sensitivity was common to Romanian filmmakers who were active during communism, especially in its late period. As politics became more wary of representation, nature, understood as no-culture, must've seemed a safe, "naïve" subject. And it was often nothing but naïve (Dynamic Poem, Ritual for the Thirst of the Earth), made out of the simple, everlasting passion for the natural spectacle, its imagery, scenery, and speculative narratives. Other times it was an aesthetic project, closed within itself: nature as image, and cinema as an art of nature, of time and light and body and landscape (Wanda Mihuleac's maudit films, Ioan Plesh's Pollution, etc.). Exceptionally, a film like A Day Will Come depicted not only the exploitation of nature by culture (work in a poultry farm), but also a self-destructive, alienating culture: no wonder why this version was banned until 1990. Etc. While enjoying its picture-perfect landscapes, "Natural Causes?", a retrospective of eight Romanian experimental short films, of which seven were made during communism, asks itself about the near-death experiences of utopia, cinema, and anthropocentric thought.

The programme will be presented by its curator Călin Boto, associate curator of the Bucharest International Experimental Film Festival – BIEFF.

Curator: Călin Boto

A Day Will Come

Va veni o zi, Copel Moscu, Romania, 1985–1990, digital format (shot on 35mm), colour, 12' 13'', ap, svp

The Sahia Studio has a long history of subversively allegorical films. Asked to direct a documentary about a poultry farm, filmmaker Copel Moscu could not look at anything else but the juxtaposition of the haphazard that was waiting to become his film. Hidden in 1985, when released in another version titled “A Day Like Any Other”, and eventually made public in 1990 as A Day Will Come, the documentary offers a chilling look at how recent societies preached conformism and pragmatism.  

Dynamic Poem

Poem dinamic, Emanuel Țeț, Romania, 1982, digital format (shot on 35mm), colour, 9' 27'', bd no dialogue

Dynamic Poem is one of the iconic films of the 1980s Romanian animation, which marked a time of renewal and experimentation. It is a sweet, naïve film, no less a reminiscence of the status quo shared by all films made by kinema ikon members – no matter their subject or form, there is a candid home-movie incandescence that, at times, catches the eye. Boy meet girl in a forest: an on-screen story of passion, youth, communion, taken over by wild animation.

Panta Rei

Wanda Mihuleac, Romania, 1975, digital format (shot on 35mm), čb B&W, 10' 05'', bd

Wanda Mihuleac’s slow cinema masterpiece de-narrates the legend of Narcissus’ self-reflection, creating a time loop of personal and ecological thinking, powerfully intensified by the soundtrack – Octavian Nemescu’s Combinations in Circles (1965) – a sensorial mix of harsh breaths, flowing water, and piercing instrumental sounds.

The Sensitivity of Plants

Sensibilitatea plantelor, Mircea Popescu, Romania, 1984, digital format (shot on 35mm), colour, 13' 09'', ap, svp

This tender documentary, produced by the Sahia Documentary Studio, lends cinema to science for a whimsical botanical experiment. Returning to the age-old question of whether plants are truly capable of conscious communication, the scientists test the vegetal reactions to artificial duress and cultural pleasure.


Poluare, Ioan Pleș, Romania, 1977, digital format (shot on 16mm), čb B&W, 5' 35'', bd

Ioan Pleș, the enfant terrible of the Arad-based kinema ikon collective, creates a sort of Pac-Man experience set during the climate apocalypse. And whimsical as he may be, Pleș demands serious reflection upon the possibilities of cinematic space, which he either extends through the sketches and scratches drawn directly onto the film reel, or reduces to its primary materiality, celluloid, making it melt away together with the characters as the apocalypse goes on.

Reconstruction in Landscape

Reconstrucție în peisaj, Wanda Mihuleac, Romania, 1978, digital format (shot on 16mm), colour, 6' 30'', bd

The magnificent obsession of Wanda Mihuleac's cinema has to do with the impossibility of perfect reflection: the water, the mirror, the twin, none of them appear as an ideal double of the original image, but as an independent reality, similar but not alike: a reconstruction. Like many of Mihuleac's early films, this one was never screened in communist Romania.

The Sun and its Double

Soarele și dublul său, Mona Vătămanu, Florin Tudor, Romania, 2014, digital format (shot on 16mm), colour, 4' 51'', bd

The image of a sun is accompanied by another, at first different, then slightly similar, different again, etc. Shot on 16mm, seemingly untouched by digital tricks, the fantastic landscape, pictorial but concrete, invokes with all its force the imaginary and the poetics of anticipation, at the same time posing the problem of the double: what does the celestial, supreme singular mean for a culture of mass reproduction?

Ritual for the Thirst of the Earth

Ritual pentru setea pământului, Mirel Ilieșiu, Romania, 1972, digital format (shot on 16mm), colour, 11' 22'', bd

Ritual for the Thirst of the Earth is a choreographic extravaganza based on the ritual of the paparude – a pagan rain dance performed by young village girls at times of drought – accompanied by a well-known musical composition of the Madrigal Choir. The result, however, was rather hippie-looking, strangely erotic, and more pagan than mere artistic and anthropological interests could have allowed. Hence a censorship ban, almost three decades long.

Călin Boto je filmski kritik in kurator, ki živi v Bukarešti, kjer je na tamkajšnji Akademiji za gledališče in film magistriral na temo filmskega piratstva. Piše za več publikacij, med drugim za Filmexplorer (Švica), FILM in Films in Frame (Romunija), kot kurator pa sodeluje z Mednarodnim festivalom eksperimentalnega filma v Bukarešti (BIEFF). Je član Mednarodnega združenja filmskih kritikov FIPRESCI. Kuriral je več različnih projekcij v Romunski kinoteki, pa tudi retrospektiv eksperimentalnega filma, queer filma, nemega filma itd. Leta 2024 je bil kurator prvega festivala Il Cinema Ritrovato on Tour v Bukarešti. Od leta 2020 dela za Zvezo romunskih filmskih ustvarjalcev.